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What my clients say...


Imre - Buyer

A seamless and absolute amazing experience, made our home buying process stress free.
Her great negotiating skills and immediate responses allowed us to not only land a deal, but to finalize the purchase quickly and effectively.
Thank you Reka for making this happen!!!


Ildiko K.- Buyer

We worked with Reka Kiss in 2019 to buy our very first home in Dublin CA, and we couldn't have been more pleased with her! Reka was very attentive to our needs and wants, knowledgable of the market and its trends. She portrayed professionalism and expertise throughout the entire home purchase process from our home search through the offer submission-negotiation, the inspection and closing process. She is a caring and wonderful person and realtor, we are grateful for all she did for us!


Tsoyu C.- Buyer

It was right before COVID time, before anyone knew what's coming. We were just looking to see what's out there when we started house hunting. On our first drop-in of an open house, we met Reka. She approached us and got our contact information, and we talked to her to get more information about the area. We sort of loosely started our collaboration process by sharing our experiences and thoughts. She had some candidates and recommendations and we had our own search list and thoughts about what may best fit us based on our past living experiences and future expectations. It was an open end process and could last long with no results. We experienced no pressure from her and she kept working with us patiently.

Come to think of it, it was like a “matching” process and she was a match-maker, matching us with a most suitable house to our needs and expectations. We were very diligently working together. We texted her a house we were interested in and she sent over info lightning fast with her own insights about the property. She also sent over info about promising houses she saw on her realtor tours. If we got serious about a house she took us as soon as we'd like and pointed out things we might not have noticed. Before we finally made an offer for a house she communicated with the seller agent and made sure we did all we could to get the house. When our offer was accepted she was also extremely helpful coordinating with the loan officer, title office and pushed for a million kinds of document signing in a systematic and timely manner so we closed smoothly. Shelter in place happened soon afterwards, so she texted a couple times to check on us and make sure we were ok, and she finally stopped by a couple of months later to bring us house warming presents, some she made herself!

Looking back at the whole process, we were very lucky in so many ways. But the luckiest part is definitely the fact that we met Reka. She was very resourceful: trying to provide every possible answer to our questions/requests, to her best of capabilities. She was very honest: good or bad, she won’t hide from you. She was very diligent: did we mention that already? But the best part is, she has heart! To sum up, we were very lucky to work with her and would highly recommend her, Reka Kiss, to any home buyer (even someone without the faintest idea of home buying) without hesitation.


Emily P. - Buyer

Working with Reka was a wonderful experience! She was very responsive and very quick to return texts and emails. She is very kind, and listened to what our needs and wants were for our 2nd home purchase. Even though she was working with multiple clients at once, we felt as though we were the only ones she was working with. To us, this meant a lot, because it showed us how much she cared!


Shayda R.- Homeowner

Looking for a home can be a nerving and stressful process, but we felt extremely fortunate to have Reka part of the journey. She clearly communicated what to expect and was extremely attentive to our needs and wants. She is quick to respond and had an excellent attitude. It was very obvious that we were being guided by a person who has experience in the industry. Thank you so much Reka :)

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